Inflatable PfD
Hydrostatic Inflation
Model - Manual with
Automatic Backup
uscg aPPROVals:
RecReAtIonAl: Type II
UnInspected coMMeRcIAl
Vessels: Type V
Inflatable PfD
Hydrostatic Inflation
Model - Manual with
Automatic Backup With
uscg aPPROVals:
RecReAtIonAl: Type V
Recreational - Approved for recreational use by the U.S. Coast Guard
(USCG) as a Type II (Model MD3183), or Type V (Model MD3184)
Personal Flotation Device (PFD). Neither are approved for water skiing
or other high impact, high-speed activities. Model MD3184 has Type II
performance but is approved as a Type V PFD because it has a built-in
sailing harness that can cause injury if not properly used. A separate
section titled “SAILING HARNESS” (p. 16) discusses requirements and
features on the MD3184 only. USCG approval does not apply to the
sailing harness because some of the risks associated with its use have
not been evaluated.
Commercial - Model MD3183 is a U.S. Coast Guard approved Type
V inflatable PFD, approved ONLY WHEN WORN for use on uninspected
commercial vessels less than 40 feet in length not carrying passengers
for hire as a substitute for a Type II PFD when used in accordance with
this owner’s manual.
NOTE: MD3184 is not USCG approved for Uninspected Commercial
Conditions for Type V Approval in commercial applications:
1. The MD3183 must be worn before getting underway and whenever
above deck and not within an enclosed space to meet the carriage
2. The operator of an uninspected commercial vessel is responsible for
servicing and maintaining the MD3183 in good serviceable condition
in accordance with this owner’s manual. See Care and Maintenance
Instructions (p. 17) for servicing information.
3. The operator of an uninspected commercial vessel is responsible for
providing each person onboard with the safety information required
for use of the MD3183. See page 2 for information.
General - When fully inflated, this Inflatable PFD will provide Type II
in-water performance. This Inflatable PFD will turn most wearers from a
face down to a face up position and provide support suitable for offshore
conditions. See page 9 for re-arming instructions.
Inflatable PFDs are not approved for water skiing or other high-speed
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
activities. This Inflatable PFD was designed to be more comfortable and
less restrictive to wear than inherently buoyant PFDs. When worn, used
and serviced according to this owner’s manual, this PFD can greatly
increase your chances of survival in the water. Not recommended for
non-swimmers or weak swimmers. Users of inflatable PFDs must be
at least 16 years old.
The operator of the vessel is required to provide the following user
information to each person on board.
Inflatable PFDs will not provide any buoyancy without being inflated.
Follow these instructions to be sure your PFD is armed and donned
correctly, and that you understand how to inflate the device.
Basic visual inspection for readiness, see p. 4
Inflation system status check, see p. 4
Donning, see p. 4
Inflation, see p. 5
Drownings are the leading cause of fatalities involving recreational and
commercial vessels. A PFD provides flotation to help keep your head
above water, help you to stay face up in the water, and increase your
chances for survival and rescue. Most adults only need an extra 7 to
12 lbs (3.2 to 5.5 kg) of flotation to keep their heads above water. The
proper size PFD will properly support the weight of the wearer.
Since this Inflatable PFD does not have inherent buoyancy, it provides
flotation only when inflated. Familiarize yourself with the use of this
Inflatable PFD so you know what to do in an emergency.
While traditional PFDs are inherently buoyant, inflatable PFDs, rely
entirely on inflation for buoyancy. Uninflated, the Inflatable PFD is a
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
comfortable slim collar that can be inflated at any time with a 33-gram
CO gas cylinder. The Inflatable PFD is designed to offer maximum
mobility with minimum bulk. The Inflatable PFD can be inflated either
automatically by water immersion, manually by jerking a pull-tab, or
orally by mouth. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the
procedures outlined in INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE (p. 3).
This manual supplies instructional, maintenance and safety information
for both models (MD3183, MD3184). The model number is listed on the
underside label.
Uninspected Commercial Vessel Use
This Inflatable PFD is not approved for “hot work” and care must be
taken to avoid damage from abrasion and sharp objects.
Component Inspection Instructions
1) Examine the single point status indicator through the window panel
(Fig. 1 and 2). Ensure the indicator is green. If the indicator is red, the
mechanism has been fired or is incorrectly fitted (see Re-arming Your
PFD, p. 9).
NOTE: The single point status indicator must be green before
2) Undo the zipper on the wearer's left side, exposing the oral inflator.
3) Ensure the oral-inflation dust cap is in the stowed position (Fig. 7).
4) Ensure the single point
MD3183 Unpacked
FIgURe 1
status indicator is
green and the pull-tab
lanyard is hanging on
Oral Inflator
(behind cell)
the outside; secure
the zippers on the
Inflatable PFD (see
Repacking, p.13).
Waist Belt
VelcroTM Tab
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
5) Ensure the current date is not
past the date on the inflator.
If it is, replace the inflator (see
Re-arming Your PFD, p. 8).
Hydrostatic Inflator Cap
Water Inlet Valve
Black Locking Ring
Yellow Inflator Cap
Readiness Checklist
Cap/Locking Ring
Check your Inflatable PFD and
ensure all of the checkpoints listed
below are true before use.
Manual Inflation
n Single point status indicator is
FIgURe 2
green (Fig. 1 and 2).
n Ensure the current date is not past the date on the inflator. If it is,
replace the inflator (see Re-arming Your PFD, p. 8).
n All zippers, Velcro and waist buckle are securely fastened.
n Oral-inflation dust cap is in the stowed position (Fig. 7).
n Inflatable PFD is not twisted.
n Ensure the inflation pull-tab is hanging on the outside (Fig. 31).
n No rips, tears, excessive abrasion or holes; all seams are securely
sewn; and the cover, straps and hardware are still strong.
Your Inflatable PFD is ready for use if all applicable boxes are checked.
NOTE: Contact your Mustang Dealer if you have any concerns
about the readiness of your Inflatable PFD.
Sizing and Fit
This PFD provides a minimum of 33.7 lbs of buoyancy when inflated and
is designed for wearers over 16 years of age, with a chest range of 30-52
inches (76-132 cm) weighing over 80 pounds (36 kg).
Donning Instructions
It is important that the Inflatable PFD is properly adjusted to fit the
person wearing it. An incorrect fit or improper fastening of attachments
could impede its effectiveness.
1) All belts and straps are already threaded correctly and only need to
be adjusted for fit.
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
For the non-harness model MD3183, the belt should fit below your
rib cage adjusted to a tight personal fit.
For the harness model MD3184, the bottom of the belt must always
be worn at least 2 inches (5 cm) above the lowest rib and adjusted
to a tight personal fit.
2) Put the Inflatable PFD on just like a jacket (Fig. 3) and fasten the
front buckle. Adjust the waist belt using the side buckle on the belt
and secure the belt’s loose end in the belt loop.
WARNING: Do not wear Inflatable PFDs under clothing as the
inflation could be restricted or you could be injured.
Inflating Your Inflatable PFD
FIgURe 3
It is recommended that the following procedures be followed to inflate
your Inflatable PFD:
1) Manual Inflation
Activate the inflation
system by jerking firmly
Automatic Inflator
downward on the pull-tab
(Fig. 4). The Inflatable PFD
should fully inflate within 5
FIgURe 4
2) Automatic Backup
When the inflator is
lowered more than about 4 inches in the water, then the hydrostatic
valve opens and lets the water meet the water sensitive element that
in turn releases a stainless steel coil spring. The spring then drives a
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
needle into the end of the gas cylinder, which is now punctured so
that the gas instantly fills the life jacket. Total buoyancy is normally
reached within 4 – 5 seconds.
When inflated, the carbon dioxide (CO gas) used to inflate the PFD
will slowly escape through the fabric over time. A slight reduction
of pressure will be observed after several hours of inflation. Topping
up by oral inflation may be required in the event of very prolonged
IMPORTANT: See Special Considerations for Inflatable Devices
3) Oral Inflation
Properly armed and inspected
FIgURe 5
Inflatable PFDs will inflate
when manually or automatically
activated. However, you can fully
inflate the Inflatable PFD by mouth
(Fig. 5) should inflation not occur,
or if you are in a non-emergency
i. To orally inflate the Inflatable
PFD, first ensure that each of the
zippers (2) are completely opened.
NOTE: Oral inflation may cause the Inflatable PFD to break-out
suddenly (loudly) if any of the zippers are closed.
ii. Locate the oral inflation tube by opening the wearer’s left front
panel of the Inflatable PFD. Remove the dust cap from the end of
the oral tube and blow into the tube until the Inflatable PFD is fully
WARNING: Avoid double inflation (CO cylinder inflation after
full oral inflation) as it could damage the PFD.
Special Considerations for Inflatable Devices
The Inflatable PFD might not be armed when needed, either knowingly
or unknowingly. Inadvertant inflation causes several risks that you must
address to avoid drowning. Much less common but also important are:
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
1) Double inflation (CO cylinder inflation after full oral inflation) could
damage the Inflatable PFD,
2) Inflation when stored in a tight space could damage the Inflatable
PFD, and
3) The Inflatable PFD could inflate when you are in an awkward place
or position.
If this Inflatable PFD should inflate inadvertantly, a re-arm kit
(MA7214) is required to re-arm the device.
IMPORTANT: The Inflatable PFD should be re-armed according
to the instructions (Re-arming Your PFD, p. 8).
Deflating the Inflatable PFD
1) To deflate the Inflatable PFD, reverse
the oral-inflation tube dust cap and
insert it into the valve or depress
Cap In
valve with fingertip. The dust cap
will not lock in the deflate position
so it is necessary to hold it in place
FIgURe 6
(Fig. 6).
2) Gently squeeze the Inflatable PFD
until all air or gas has been expelled.
FIgURe 7
Oral Inflator
To avoid damage; do not wring or
twist the Inflatable PFD. Put the
inflation tube dust cap back in its
stowed position on the oral inflation
tube (Fig. 7).
Dust cap
in stowed
Dust cap
position for
IMPORTANT: Ensure all air has
been removed from the PFD.
3) Examine the single point status
indicator (Fig. 1 and 2). If the indicator is red, the mechanism has
been fired and the inflator requires service (see Re-arming your PFD,
p. 9).
IMPORTANT: The single point status indicator must be green
before proceeding.
4) Your device is ready to be repacked (see Repacking p. 11).
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
Usage Below Freezing
When the temperature is below freezing, the Inflatable PFD should
be worn partially inflated because a fully discharged cylinder may not
quickly or adequately inflate your Inflatable PFD. Under these conditions
use the oral inflator to adequately top-up the PFD, after CO inflation.
WARNING: CO inflation could over-pressurize and damage your
Inflatable PFD if already fully inflated.
Re-arming Your PFD
NOTE: A valid re-arm kit (MA7214) is required for this procedure.
1) Place the Inflatable PFD (Personal
Flotation Device) on a smooth, flat
surface and wipe off any water.
Access the inflator by reaching under
the cover and pull it toward you,
turning the cell and cover inside-
out to fully expose the inflator for
re-arming. Hold the CO cylinder
through the fabric, using one hand
(Fig. 8).
FIgURe 8
FIgURe 9
Locking Ring
2) Insert the metal key between the black locking ring and labeled
yellow cap. Turn the key counter-clockwise (Fig. 9).
3) Turn the black locking ring counter-clockwise and lift off the cap
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
(yellow inflator operating head Fig. 10). Dispose of the used cap.
FIgURe 10
4) Squeeze the sealing ring to elongate and remove the inflator body
through the sealing ring (Fig. 11).
5) Dispose of the
FIgURe 11
used inflator
Red Indicator
Inflator Body
6) Check that the
new inflator
Sealing Ring
body indicator is
green. Insert the
new inflator body
with CO cylinder
pointing upward
inside the
Red Indicator
Inflatable PFD
(Fig.13). Let the
sealing ring rest
on the adapter
around the four
FIgURe 12
7) Now check the new manual/automatic cap as follows (Fig. 14):
1. Is the single point status indicator showing green?
2. Is the expiry day OK?
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
If YES is the
answer to both
questions, then
proceed as
follows. If the
answer is NO to
either question,
get a new cap.
Green Indicator
Do not turn the
center shaft
FIgURe 13
8) Hold the CO
cylinder through
the fabric of the
Inflatable PFD
(Fig. 15). Position
the replacement
cap with the
water inlet valve
pointing to the
right and press
FIgURe 14
FIgURe 16
FIgURe 15
FIgURe 17
firmly onto the inflator body and
sealing ring (Fig. 16).
9) While pressing FIRMLY onto the
inflator body, turn the BLACK
locking ring clockwise into the
locked position (Fig. 17). Pull on
the cap to make sure it has locked
onto the inflator body.
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
10) Check: To see that the single point status indicator on the cap is
green; the pull to inflate lanyard is present and that the locking ring
is locked.
11) Refold the Inflatable PFD in accordance with the Repacking section
(p. 11).
If your Inflatable PFD has been used and/or the hydrostatic inflator
replaced, always inflate through the oral tube and check that it stays
inflated at least overnight. With the dust cap in the top of the oral tube,
gently squeeze the Inflatable PFD until all air or gas has been expelled
(Fig. 6). Do not wring or twist the Inflatable PFD. Put the oral tube dust
cap back in its stowed position on the oral tube (Fig. 7). Let the life
jacket dry before packing.
IMPORTANT: Ensure all air is removed before repacking. Before
following the repacking sequence, be sure to properly re-arm
your Inflatable PFD, p. 8.
1) Lay out the Inflatable PFD flat on a
FIgURe 18
clean surface (Fig. 18).
2) Fold side (A) inward along the full
length of the dotted line (Fig. 19). F
old cover (B) over; covering side (A)
(Fig. 20).
3) Repeat step 2 with side (C), cover
4) Fold over the top side (E) into thirds
and fold cover back (F).
FIgURe 19
5) Mustang Survival uses advanced
2-step zippers. ZIP 1 - Reset the
zipper by pulling the slider (G) around
the top to the Velcro™ tab (H).
ZIP 2 - Close by pulling the slider
(G) in the opposite direction to the
end of the zipper (Fig. 26). Ensure
that the Inflatable cell does not get
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
FIgURe 20
FIgURe 21
FIgURe 22
FIgURe 23
FIgURe 24
FIgURe 25
caught by the zipper when closing.
6) Fasten the Velcro™ tab (H) to keep
zipper closed.
7) ZIP 1 - Reset the 2-step zipper by
pulling the slider (I) to the Velcro™
tab (H). ZIP 2 - Close by pulling
slider (I) in the opposite direction to
the end the zipper (Fig. 29). Ensure
that the Inflatable cell does not get
FIgURe 26
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
caught by the zipper when closing.
FIgURe 27
FIgURe 28
FIgURe 29
8) Use a finger to push the zipper ends
into the openings at the bottom of
the the packed Inflatable PFD (Fig.
9) Ensure the pull-tab (J) is on the
outside of the folded Inflatable PFD.
Fig. 31 depicts a correctly folded
Inflatable PFD.
Sailing Harness
CAUTION: Use only as a sailing
Models with a sailing harness (MD3184)
are designed to prevent the user from
falling overboard when used with a
tether with an under-load quick-release
hook and have been designed and
tested in accordance with Offshore
Racing Council (ORC) requirements.
Care and attention must be taken to
ensure that the harness is used and
maintained correctly. The harness is
designed to be worn by persons at
least 5 feet 5 inches tall (165 cm). The
harness should be worn as high on
the chest as possible, but in all cases,
at least 2 inches (5 cm) above the
lowest rib measured from the bottom
of the belt and should not be used if it
does not fit in this manner. Adjust the
harness using the strap adjuster so that
the harness is as snug as tolerable.
FIgURe 30
Failure to adjust the harness properly
could result in injury.
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
When attached to the boat use a tether
of less than 6 feet 6 inches (2 m) in
length with quick-release under-load
hardware (Fig. 32).
FIgURe 31
Ensure that a tether is secured to both
D-rings. When not in use, the
D-rings can be pushed under the lapels.
Chest Buckle
NOTE: The fold lines, on the
diagram, are provided to assist
with packing.
Chest Belt Webbing
Quick Release Lanyard
FIgURe 32
Warning: Use of a sailing harness to prevent falls overboard
presents several risks. In case of capsizing or sinking, the boat
may take you down. As such, ensure that any tether used has
quick-release under-load hardware. This harness has not been
designed for fall arrest, lifting or climbing and should not be
relied upon in any of these instances.
US Coast Guard approval does not apply to this harness and the
potential for injury has not been assessed.
Check your Inflatable PFD between outings to be sure that it is properly
armed; that it is free of rips, tears or holes; that all seams are securely
sewn; and that the fabric, straps and hardware are still strong (See
Readiness Checklist, p. 4). Inspect the inflatable portion of the Inflatable
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
Federal Regulations require Coast Guard approved personal flotation
devices (PFDs) that are legibly marked with the Coast Guard approval
number, are in good and serviceable condition, and are the correct size
for each person on board. It is the responsibility of the operator to be
sure this PFD is in serviceable condition. To be considered serviceable,
this PFD shall not exhibit deterioration that could diminish its
performance, such as broken or deformed hardware, detached webbing,
rotted structural components, air leaks or nonfunctional inflators. Unless
worn inflated, this PFD must also be properly armed with a cylinder
installed in the inflator, and single point status indicator showing green.
See Page 3 for instructions. Failure to follow these instructions rigorously
could result in a non-functioning PFD causing injury or death.
Check the following at the intervals listed below.
1) Before Each Use:
i) Examine the single point status indicator through the window
panel, ensuring it is green. If the indicator is red, the mechanism
requires service. See Re-arming Your PFD, p. 8.
ii) Ensure the manual pull-tab is accessible.
iii) Visually examine your Inflatable PFD for damage or excessive
abrasion, wear, tear or contamination. Particular attention must be
paid to the stitching, straps and hardware. If in doubt, send it to your
Mustang dealer for evaluation and/or servicing.
2) Every Two (2) Months:
i) Leak Test: The Inflatable PFD should be tested for general leakage
by orally inflating your Inflatable PFD until firm and let stand 16
hours. A leaking Inflatable PFD will not hold its firmness and should
be replaced. If your Inflatable PFD leaks, take it to your Mustang
dealer for evaluation and/or servicing. Repack the Inflatable PFD as
outlined in the Repacking section (p. 11).
ii) Oral Inflation Valve Test: To check the oral inflation valve, fully
inflate the Inflatable PFD using the oral inflator and hold valve under
water. If bubbles appear, deflate and re-inflate to test again. Should
the leak persist, take your Inflatable PFD to your Mustang dealer for
evaluation and/or servicing.
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
CAUTION: To avoid accidental inflation, don't allow the water
to contact the hydrostatic inflator.
iii) Perform a thorough visual examination. See Readiness
Checklist (p. 4).
Perform these tests more often if exposed to potential damage or
used in extreme conditions.
3) After Each Inflation - Re-arm the Inflatable PFD. See Re-arming
Your PFD, p. 8.
4) Annually - Perform the following at the beginning of each boating
season, after inflation, or whenever the integrity of the Inflatable PFD
is in doubt:
i) Check all components for dirt or corrosion. Clean or replace, as
neccessary. See Readiness Checklist (p. 4).
ii) Visually examine your Inflatable PFD for damage or excessive
abrasion, wear, tear or contamination. Particular attention must be
paid to the stitching, straps and hardware. If in doubt, send it to your
Mustang dealer for evaluation and/or servicing.
iii) Perform the Oral Inflation Valve Test: See the Oral Inflation Valve
Test in the Every Two (2) Months Care and Maintenance Instructions
iv) Perform the Leak Test. See the Leak Test in the Every Two (2)
Months Care and Maintenance Instructions section.
v) Ensure the current date is not past the date on the inflator. If it
is, replace the inflator (see Re-arming Your PFD, p. 8).
vi) Ensure the single point status indicator is green (Fig. 1 and 2).
vii) Record as an "Annual" inspection in permanent ink on the Care
and Storage label, in the Date Maintained column.
Repack the Inflatable PFD as outlined in the Repacking section (p. 11).
WARNING: If you are not confident in the self-inspection and
servicing of your Inflatable PFD in accordance with these
instructions, take your Inflatable PFD to a Mustang dealer
for professional servicing or contact Mustang Survival (see
contact information on back of manual).
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
Cleaning and Storing of Your Inflatable PFD
To avoid inflation, do not submerge the Inflatable PFD or directly spray
the inflator. Hand wash or sponge down the Inflatable PFD in warm,
soapy water. Rinse the PFD and inflator with clean water, using a clean
rinse cloth. Hang the Inflatable PFD to dry on a plastic coat hanger. Do
not dry clean.
Always store your Inflatable PFD in a warm, dry place out of direct
Inflate your Inflatable PFD and try it out in the water to:
Make sure it floats you:
• Comfortably (when worn properly)
• Adequately for expected wave conditions (body shapes/
densities affect performance)
Make sure it works:
• A flow of bubbles should not appear (see CARE AND
MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS for leak tests p. 17). It should
inflate quick and easily.
Learn how it works by:
• Activating the CO inflation system
• Re-arming the CO inflation system
• Using the oral inflator tube
The U.S.Coast Guard recommends that you purchase at least two spare
re-arming kits (MA7214).
1) To test your Inflatable PFD, you will need your fully armed Inflatable
PFD, and re-arming kit (MA7214) approved for your Inflatable PFD
2) Put on the Inflatable PFD.
3) Get into shallow water, just deep enough that you can stand with
your head above the surface. Once the inflator is underwater, 4
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
inches or so, the Inflatable PFD should fully inflate automatically
within 5 seconds.
4) See if the Inflatable PFD will float you on your back or just slightly
back of vertical. In a relaxed floating position, verify that your mouth
is well above the water’s surface. Note the effect of where you hold
your legs on how you float.
5) Get out of the water and remove the Inflatable PFD.
6) Deflate the Inflatable PFD by depressing the oral inflator valve (see
Deflating the Inflatable PFD p. 7). Remove the used inflator.
7) Let the Inflatable PFD dry thoroughly. Re-arm (p. 8) and Repack the
PFD (p. 11).
The U.S.Coast Guard recommends that you purchase at least two spare
re-arming kits (MA7214).
1) To test your Inflatable PFD, you will need your fully armed Inflatable
PFD, and re-arming kit approved for your Inflatable PFD: MA7214.
2) Put on the Inflatable PFD.
3) Actuate the inflation system by jerking firmly downward on the
pull-tab. The Inflatable PFD should fully inflate within 5 seconds.
4) Get into shallow water, just deep enough that you can stand with
your head above the surface.
5) See if the Inflatable PFD will float you on your back or just slightly
back of vertical. In a relaxed floating position, verify that your mouth
is well above the water’s surface. Note the effect of where you hold
your legs and how you float.
6) Get out of the water and remove the Inflatable PFD. Completely
deflate the Inflatable PFD using the oral inflator (see Deflating the
Inflatable PFD p. 7).
7) Let the Inflatable PFD dry thoroughly. Re-arm (p. 8) and Repack the
PFD (p. 11).
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
This test is not mandatory, however may be conducted using the
following procedure.
WARNING: Use only a previously fired hydrostatic inflator to
perform this test. DO NOT test with a fully armed hydrostatic
inflator as double inflation may occur, possibly resulting in cell
1) No spare parts or re-arming kits are needed to test your Inflatable
2) Put on the Inflatable PFD.
3) Get into shallow water, just deep enough that you can stand with
your head above the surface.
4) If you are a weak swimmer or non-swimmer, inflate the Inflatable
PFD partially so that you are supported well enough to be able
to complete inflation without touching bottom, either orally or
manually. Note this level of inflation because it is the minimum
needed for you to safely use this Inflatable PFD.
5) Fully inflate the Inflatable PFD using the oral inflator.
6) See if the Inflatable PFD will float you on your back or just slightly
back of vertical. In a relaxed floating position, verify that your mouth
is well above the water’s surface. Note the effect of where you hold
your legs and how you float.
7) Get out of the water and remove the Inflatable PFD. Completely
deflate the Inflatable PFD using the oral inflator (see Deflating the
Inflatable PFD p. 7).
8) Let the Inflatable PFD dry thoroughly. Re-arm (p. 8) and Repack the
PFD (p. 11).
In approximately 80 percent of all boating fatalities, the victims were not
wearing a PFD. Most fatal accidents happen on calm sunny days. This
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
Inflatable PFD is much more comfortable to wear than other PFD types.
Get into the habit of wearing this Inflatable PFD.
Non-swimmers and children especially should wear a hybrid or non-
Inflatable PFD at all times when on or near the water.
Prolonged exposure to cold water causes a condition known as
hypothermia - a substantial loss of body heat, which leads to exhaustion
and unconsciousness. Most drowning victims first suffer from
hypothermia. The following chart shows the effects of hypothermia: how
hypothermia affects most adults.
How hypothermia affects most adults
Exhaustion or
Temperature ˚C (˚F)
Time of Survival
0.3 (32.5)
Under 15 min.
15–30 min.
30–60 min.
1–2 hrs.
2–7 hrs.
2–12 hrs.
Under 15–45 min.
30–90 min.
1–3 hrs
1–6 hrs.
2–40 hrs.
3 hrs. to Indefinite
0.3–4 (32.5–40)
4–10 (40–50)
10–16 (50–60)
16–21 (60–70)
21–27 (70–80)
over 27 (over 80)
PFDs can increase survival time because they allow you to float without
using energy treading water and because of their insulating properties.
Naturally, the warmer the water, the less insulation you will require.
When operating in cold waters [below 60°F (15.6°C)] you should
consider using a coat or jacket style PFD or a Type V Thermal Protective
PFD as they cover more of the body than the vest or belt style PFDs.
Some Points to Remember About Hypothermia Protection:
1) Always wear your Inflatable PFD. Even if you become incapacitated
due to hypothermia, the Inflatable PFD will keep you afloat and
greatly improve your chances of rescue.
2) Do not attempt to swim unless it is to reach a nearby craft, fellow
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
survivor, or a floating object on which you can lean or climb.
Swimming increases the rate of body heat loss. In cold water, drown-
proofing methods that require putting your head in the water are
not recommended. Keep your head out of the water. This will greatly
lessen heat loss and increase your survival time.
3) Use the standard H.E.L.P. position when wearing an Inflatable PFD,
drawing the legs up to a seated position, because doing so will help
you conserve body heat (Fig. 33).
4) Keep a positive attitude about your survival and rescue. This will
improve your chances of extending your survival time until rescued.
Your will-to-live does make a difference!
5) If there is more than one person in the water, huddling is
recommended while waiting to be rescued. This action tends to
reduce the rate of heat loss and thus increase the survival time.
For your Inflatable PFD to function
properly, follow these suggestions to
verify that it fits, floats, and remains
in good condition.
1) Check the single point status
indicator before each use.
2) Get in the habit of re-arming the
FIgURe 33
inflation mechanism right after
each inflation.
Help position
3) Try your wearable Inflatable PFD
on and adjust it until it fits comfortably in and out of the water.
4) Mark your Inflatable PFD with your name if you are the only wearer.
5) Do not alter your Inflatable PFD. If it doesn’t fit properly, get one that
does. An altered device is no longer Coast Guard approved.
6) Your Inflatable PFD is not intended for use as a fender or kneeling
7) If your Inflatable PFD is wet, allow it to dry thoroughly before storing
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
it. Store it in a well-ventilated area.
8) Do not dry your Inflatable PFD in front of a radiator or other source
of direct heat.
Inflatable PFD Safety Accessories
MA7214 Re-arm Kit contains 33-gram replacement CO cylinder inflator.
If you need more information about PFDs and safe boating, contact your
state boating authority, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, U.S. Power Squadron,
Red Cross, or your nearest unit of the U.S. Coast Guard. To find out
about free boating courses in your area call 1-800-336-BOAT (in Virginia,
call 1-800-245-BOAT).
Each PFD has straps, hooks, buckles, or other means for securing the
device in place on the wearer. Some PFDs also incorporate decorative
d-rings or tabs. Such items are not to be used to attach the device
to the boat. Attaching the device to the boat will not permit it to perform
as intended.
NOTE: Model MD3184 has a built-in sailing harnesses intended for
attaching to boats with quick-release under-load tethers secured
to both d-rings (see Sailing Harness p. 13). Do not attach the
MD3184 to boats using any other means.
Please be aware that the following regulations apply to the air transport
of this product. According to U.S. Research and Special Programs
Administration Regulations Title 49 CFR 75.10(a)(25): With the approval
of the aircraft operator, one small carbon dioxide cylinder fitted into
a self-inflating jacket, plus one spare cartridge, may be carried by a
passenger or crew in checked or carry-on baggage.
Please refer to the governing body’s documentation, found online at
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
Inflatable PFD Owner’s Manual
PRIOR tO sale.
For 40 years Mustang Survival has been committed
to providing life support solutions. Through
constant innovation and the application of new
technologies, Mustang is the leading supplier
of quality flotation and hypothermia protection
products to the most demanding users – from
fishermen, sailors and power boaters to the Coast
Guard, fighter pilots and even NASA astronauts.
Mustang Survival and seahorse design is a registered trademark of Mustang
Survival Corp.
Our commitment to quality has earned our Burnaby facilities ISO 9001
registration, the highest of all international standards. This is our guarantee
you’re receiving the ultimate in design and manufacturing.
HT-1121 (Rev 12Jun2012)
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